Reasonable Fucking Doubt!

Well, it’s enough to make you swear.

Yesterday, 28th Feb 2024, the State of Texas executed a man called Ivan Cantu by lethal injection; perhaps you’ve heard of his case, perhaps not. Why am I mentioning him on a blog demonstrating Ramirez’s unfair trial? Because of reasonable doubt. Reasonable fucking doubt.

Taken at face value, the cases are very different; Cantu was convicted of the double murder of his cousin, James Mosqueda and his fiancée, Amy Kitchen, in Dallas in 2000. Richard Ramirez was convicted of serial murder and rape. The similarities between them lie in their defence rather than their alleged crimes; both were Hispanic, neither was given due process and the right to a fair trial, and each of them received the death penalty.
Like Ramirez before him, Cantu was saddled with a lawyer who did not bring forward defence witnesses, a lawyer who failed to investigate the charges against him or develop a defence strategy. No expert defence witnesses were brought in to testify. Star witnesses for the prosecution committed perjury, and the jury was not given exculpatory evidence to consider.

There is a podcast dedicated to Cantu’s case, “Cousins by Blood”, created by Private Investigator Matt Duff (I will link it at the end). So, I need not go over the highly complicated case, but I urge you to listen to it as he brings forward the evidence omitted in court.

In this podcast, the star witness recants and admits he and his sister (Ivan’s ex-girlfriend) lied to the police and in court. The lead detective deliberately hid exculpatory evidence, evidence which has now come to light. That’s a Brady violation, yet this detective said he didn’t even know what “Brady” means. He doesn’t know. If I know, why doesn’t he? The clothes Ivan was supposed to have worn that night did not show any of his DNA and were much too large for him. The jury foreman has spoken out, saying they were not given all the evidence to deliberate. He requested the document they had to sign, saying they agreed with the punishment, to be returned to him; he has changed his mind, as have others. The list goes on.

Ivan’s case garnered support from celebrities like Kim Kardashian, Martin Sheen and Susan Sarandon. Over 140,000 signatures were collected on a petition sent to Collin County Court. Nothing worked. Ivan was merely asking for his right to a fair trial; he was not begging for his life. He wanted justice and was given none, in the same way Ramirez was denied it.

We are taught to put our trust in the law and in justice, and today, I have seen people genuinely shocked about Ivan Cantu’s execution, as if they had never considered that justice is not what it seems. The 6th Amendment tells us that every accused man must have fair representation, but just because the person standing up with a defendant is a lawyer, that’s not enough to satisfy the Constitution; the lawyer is required to defend. So why does this keep happening?

For a country that vigorously defends the 2nd Amendment, America doesn’t seem so bothered about the 6th.

Yesterday, I read comments from someone who had practised law for 16 years. Their opinion (I will paraphrase) was that the Public Defenders are there mainly to drive a plea bargain, not to defend. It’s ticking boxes, not delivering justice. Richard Ramirez was correct in his assessment of that.

Some people think we’re here crying about “innocence”; we are not. We are here to show how badly a case was handled from start to finish; we are explaining that there was a case for reasonable doubt. If “innocence” is what you see when reading what we’ve said, rather than whine about it on TikTok or attack people who support us, ask yourself why. (Hybristophilia is not a good look, by the way).

Meanwhile, the Ramirez case is still used for fame and money, using the tragic events as entertainment. It really is enough to make you swear.

My sympathy goes out to all the victims in these cases, the ones who don’t get justice and to the accused, who are not allowed to defend themselves when reasonable doubt exists.


Ivan Cantu, from the Cousins by Blood podcast.

53 responses to “Reasonable Fucking Doubt!”

  1. Sad, bt true. It’s never been about the actual truth of events, bt who can win the case now.
    It’s always been a game of chess for credit to attorneys, never the defendants.

    Thank you for your excellent article.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Justice boils down to which side has the better lawyer. If you can’t afford a good one, you lose. Thank you for reading.


  2. I’d heard about this case but didn’t fully follow it.
    I’m not surprised that this keeps on going since the whole system is obsolete and very protective of the violence it defends. It just wants to throw death in people’s faces and have some weird justification for it.
    I’m sick of TikTok on that regard, just yesterday I saw this stitch from a chick who saw some hybristophile’s video on Richard and the stitcher was all, “oh we’re doing this? Let me tell you about the 9-year-old he raped.”
    I wish people would stfu at least. Like I don’t know who’s worse and I could rant to you for years…

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The sad thing is so few actually look into the bizarre happenings surrounding the case of Mei Leung. Mention DNA and people think it’s as simple as that. Clearly (in that case) it isn’t. Tiktok is full of people pontificating on a subject they need to study more.
      The State of Texas dropped the ball in Ivan’s case, the man deserved another (fair) trial, and his execution will forever have a question mark hanging over it. It’s a shameful episode. I highly recommend that podcast, if you get chance to listen to it. Thanks for reading.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. A good friend of mine translates your blog in Spanish on TikTok and she gets lots of hate for it. I myself got an account warning and DMs blocked for “supporting criminal activities” for commenting on one of those videos saying there was never even physical evidence Richard was on those crime scenes since they couldn’t even match his blood.
        I’m not surprised to read that another fair trial meant an abuse of the appeal system… Our entire world is wired against the “beyond any reasonable doubt” principle.


      2. Supporting criminal activities?! Mental! I’m too afraid to even promote the blog anymore because when I did (on Twitter), in late 2022/early 2023, a huge wave of people were permanently banned. Yes, plenty were hybristophiles but others were beginning to question the case. All silenced. Instagram is the same. Someone we know was banned and she didn’t even post his photos, just her own analysis of the trial.


      3. Yeah, I got banned then. Ha ha!


      4. Tiktok is a poisonous wasteland filled with people who need to think more and abuse less. It sickens me.
        I know who you’re referring to, she’s a friend and supporter of ours.


    2. Regarding Ivan Cantu’s case, it definitely felt like the courts were excited for his death. There was something smug about their final statements that his lawyer’s attempts to save his life were procedurally barred. It’s awful that attempts to save his life were called “abuse of the appeals system.” Very cold.

      I do become frustrated at the amount of misinformation on Ramirez on the internet. It feels like nothing we are writing will ever become mainstream. I’d love for every comment section to be flooded with the debate around the reasonable doubt.

      Liked by 3 people

      1. It IS frustrating. Someone on YouTube was recommending this blog, and added our voices are a drop in the ocean because of all the misinformation that surrounds the case. One day it WILL be openly discussed. It has to be.

        Liked by 2 people

  3. Speaking of fame and money, yesterday I saw the letter Richard wrote in response to his granddaughter Rosie! Well, I really don’t know what to think. Why did everyone decide to speak out now? but more importantly, even if it were true, what the hell would change by now? Oh, maybe I have the answer!


    1. Hello Trilly,
      Richard provides an income, even in death, (whether that’s selling family photos or anything else) my thoughts are that dragging things through the mud for people to gawp at and speculate over, brings more attention and focus to an extremely disfunctional family. All I am prepared to say for sure is that if this did not concern Ramirez, it wouldn’t be in the spotlight.
      (She’s his niece, by the way)

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes ,I think that is indeed the case and it is really sad because I am sure they all know the truth but the truth does not bring rewards! It is very important the work you are doing and I am not surprised that someone is trying to get in your way . Richard must have justice !

        Liked by 2 people

      2. We know no one has deconstructed this case in this way before, but it’s about time it was done. Original sources are very important and have been pushed aside for years. It’s time to look deeper.
        Over the years certain family members have had public arguments over who knew him best, who makes money by selling family mementoes, he was called a “hustle” in one interview.
        The family stuff doesn’t particularly interest me, that’s for them to deal with.
        The case, the trial and his mental health are where my interest lies.
        Thank you for reading what we’ve got to say, we honestly appreciate it.


  4. Thank you for finally shedding light on a case that has always been shrouded in mystery and contradictions. Sorry for any mistakes ,I don’t speak English well!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your English is great, don’t worry.


    2. I will add one final thought. Ramirez was never convicted of any child crimes. We know the original eyewitnesses described a shorter (5ft 9), heavier, Caucasian man, with blondish hair, in his mid to late 30s. These were independently obtained and corroborated by an adult witness. A later abduction victim described a shorter, much older man, with varying details. Later these descriptions were morphed into the 6ft 1 Hispanic Ramirez. Public defenders witnessed the “coaching” of victims prior to the line up in September 85.
      Pull out one card in a house of cards and the rest fall…
      I’ll leave it at that, but for more detailed info, have a read at a couple of articles we’ve written concerning this.


      1. I saw an old newspaper article the other night where it said something like ‘the composite of the child abductor matched the composite of the killer.’ This is untrue. They have the same nose, because they were created by the same artist, and it’s common for artists to repeat the same features across drawings. It’s a common mistake artists make. The hair on the drawings is different in texture and colour and to say they match deliberately ignores the descriptions that came with them and cruelly buries what the children said about the man who hurt them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah, it angers me that their statements were disregarded. “You saw what? Nahhh.. this is the guy, OK?”.


      3. And if adults could be convinced, how easily could these kids?!


      4. By the two naughty men bending down to them and showing them 2 fingers? “He’s number 2, got it?”.
        Tut tut.

        Liked by 1 person

  5. What prompted me to do some research (aside from the Netflix documentary and Carrillo’s fables) was a letter in which Richard responded to a young man after he was convicted of Mei’s murder; he said he had never harmed children, and inside I felt he was telling the truth, that’s exactly how I discovered your blog and I’m glad I did. The more I looked at his interviews, court cases, letters, photos, the more I became convinced that he was not the stalker of the night, those who were not interested in profiting from this story described Richard as a good guy, shy, kind, funny and caring, on youtube there is a phone interview done with a girl Richard had babysitter, yes “Richard had babysitter two children” unbelievable huh?She and her family couldn’t believe it and you can tell from her words that she is not entirely convinced of the allegations against him, she talked about how special he was to her family, her favorite color, the cartoons they watched on Saturdays and she didn’t mention molestation, as an adult she visited him and I don’t think I would visit a man who abused me when I was a child! Ah, he didn’t masturbate in front of her! Anyway now I am sure, Richard was just a guy.


    1. It’s amazing isn’t it? When you look beyond the hype and really take the time to research what happened in that court and beyond. The whole thing is disturbing, brutal and still the stories come. The evidence is weak, the witnesses all changed their stories, the ballistics were faulty and needed retesting, the blood, hair and semen didn’t match. The shoeprint evidence inconclusive and one was a fabrication, fingerprint evidence unverified and “lost”. The Jennings gun was sold to Perez before the Doi incident, according to his original police statement, (his later whining that he was “senile” and couldn’t remember is rather convenient) and the whole case hinged on linking unrelated cases to each other via all of the above.
      So what’s left? A drug addict, a thief, with mental health issues, who dabbled in the occult, who couldn’t afford a proper defence, and a trial driven by the media. A trial that was unfair from beginning to end, and too much reasonable doubt. What makes it worse is that they knew his convictions were on shaky ground, hence all the panic when he was removed to San Francisco for the Pan hearings. Justice seems to be that as long as someone pays with their life, then it’s fine by us. In a capital trial there should be NO mistakes, NO doubt, and every defendant should have a competent counsel, not some two-bit joke of a defence team. How is that fair to anyone? Including victims.

      Everything we’ve shown here has been brushed under the carpet, and nothing, nothing makes sense.

      I definitely wouldn’t visit a man who’d abused me, nor write to him. Richard’s female friends, in their statements, describe someone who was kind, quiet and made them laugh. He looked after their kids, it seems, without incident.

      Anyway, we’re glad you found us.


      1. If one were to analyze only his letters, one would realize that Richard was a man-child whose brain never reached maturity, probably due to various traumas and drug taking during adolescence. Contrary to popular belief, Richard had no experience with women. He recounts that his love life began at the age of 9 with an 18-year-old neighbor of his, without even realizing he was abused and recounting it in many of his letters, then talks about an experience with a prostitute at age 12, of his first kiss with a girl he met at a karate match (I can still smell her perfume, he writes), then of his first time with his sweetheart (I think it was Monica, but I’m not sure), and finally he tells of having had a blond-haired girlfriend when he lived in Los Angeles, but social services took her away from him and he never saw her again, he says he was fine with her “we wandered around the city,” his roommate says he was too shy to approach a girl, so it’s really hard for me to imagine him as a serial rapist, it’s not believable in the slightest but people unfortunately are swayed by everything they are told and don’t bother to find out the truth, “the majority is not necessarily correct,” if there wasn’t your blog no one would know how things happened!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Richard’s most serious relationship (before incarceration, so discount Doreen) seems to have been with a girl called Nohemi (Carlo calls her Nancy). Her recollection of him is of a sweet, kind and thoughtful boyfriend. Even after they broke up, he always checked up on her when he returned home, to make sure he was OK. Her shock and disbelief is real, she was horrified and said he wasn’t capable of committing these horrendous crimes and there must be a mistake. I find his letters disjointed, and go from topic to question, and back round again. When he isn’t asking (politely lol) for pictures, he is sometimes quite dry and amusing. Emotionally, he cannot have progressed further than 1985, when his life on the outside ended.

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      3. For a supposed rapist, he was strangely requesting consent in some letters. I’ve seen them where he asks permission to start writing sexually and asks if they mind him referring to them as ‘my love.’ When one woman turned this stuff down, he apparently replied, ‘just ignore that I asked that’, seeming okay with rejection. I wouldn’t expect a violent woman-hating rapist to act that way. Of course there are letters where he’s being direct, sexual and cheeky, but you don’t know if sexual themes had already been established between him and the recipient.

        His sex letters are just pervy and inexperienced sounding, with nothing particularly alarming in their content.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. Some of them were clearly requesting sexual content. Remember the “I’ll send you a sex letter next time” letter? I imagine he was kept very busy by a pen-full of cheap thrills.


      5. Sorry for writing so much but it is really nice to be able to talk about this case with you ❤

        Liked by 2 people

      6. Don’t apologise for talking to us, we’re very glad you do. There’s so much rubbish posted about this case, and people who do question get verbally abused. Usually by people who haven’t read anything other than Carlo. Here, you may speak freely, without fear or shame.


      7. Yes, we love comments!

        Liked by 1 person

      8. Oh yes, Nancy, in his letters he often talked about her and how smart she was! In any case he definitely knew to whom to make “certain requests” and the girls seemed to have no problem showing themselves naked, I think they started sending him certain photos and he simply took advantage of them, since he couldn’t get porn magazines he made do with his “friends.” Today it is routine on social media and I don’t understand all this outrage from people! It is completely normal when you think of a man isolated from the rest of the world. In his letters he also asked permission to be able to send drawings of bad characters, I think this does not reflect the profile of a potential criminal at all! ! Yes, I also noticed that his letters were often quite confusing, as if at some point the recipient had gone from being a woman to being a child, and the questions often made no sense, especially in the last years of his life, in fact he apologized by saying that he had a very bad memory. Maybe she was taking psychotropic drugs? I know he didn’t want to take them and according to what Robert said in an interview, he was convinced they were put in his food, I don’t know how reliable that can be! I also think that after he found out that his letters were being sold on ebay he started to be very shallow, they looked like copy and paste and personally he did well .Thank you for the kind words, I usually get attacked on social, some people claim I am defending the indefensible, so I share your blog to shut them up!!! It seems to be working.😁

        Liked by 1 person

      9. Oh yes, it’s “indefensible” until you see the weak evidence and the strong defence laid out by his Habeas lawyers. His lousy trial counsel believed (at the start) it was indefensible, assumed they’d make money off a book deal anyway, until they realised it COULD be defended, and they weren’t up to the job. At which point he was virtually abandoned. Arturo Hernandez says as much in his post conviction statement.


      10. I feel bad for him that he found out his letters were being sold and that his pen friends were not real friends at all. I guess by being less personal, it made them less valuable. A shame all round. I like his dry humour in his early ones, before the block capitals.


      11. There’s always someone trying to make money off of his back.


      12. What a shame!!! How disgusting !!! I hope someday you can make a documentary about the true story of Richard Ramirez.

        Liked by 2 people

      13. We have been invited to take part in a podcast, we’ve accepted, but we haven’t finalised a date yet. Not quite a documentary, but it’s something. When we’ve fixed a date we’ll let you know.

        Liked by 1 person

  6. What prompted me to do some research (aside from the Netflix documentary and Carrillo’s fables) was a letter in which Richard responded to a young man after he was convicted of Mei’s murder; he said he had never harmed children, and inside I felt he was telling the truth, that’s exactly how I discovered your blog and I’m glad I did. The more I watched his interviews, court cases, letters, photos, the more I became convinced that he was not the stalker of the night, those who were not interested in profiting from this story described Richard as a good guy, shy, kind, funny and caring, on youtube there is a phone interview of a girl whom Richard had babysat, yes “Richard was babysitting ” unbelievable huh?She and her family could not believe it and you can tell from her words that she is not entirely convinced of the allegations against her “friend,” she talked about how special he was to her family, her favorite color, the cartoons they watched on Saturdays, and she did not mention molestation, as an adult she visited him and I don’t think I would visit a man who abused me when I was a child! Ah, he did not masturbate in front of her during the prison visit. Anyway, I am sure now, Richard was just a guy.


  7. Hey

    Why is Doreen called Discount Doreen ? I have been thinking a lot about her …and whether her love and Engagement for Richard were true….Its such a shame how his life and his lifestory is misused by the Media and parts of the family ……Compliments for your trying to find out the truth .

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I have no idea why she’s called that, and from what we know, yes, her love for him seems to have been real. We were given information by someone who would know, and had no reason to be dishonest as they had nothing to gain. We are respectful of their privacy and so won’t disclose who told us, as I am sure you can understand.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. And I read that Richard had tried to sell costume jewellry for Real jewellry and that he often did Not know about the value of things he gave to his fence. Police found a big box of costume jewellry at his sister place in El Paso ..What about his sister ..did she care for him as much as she says in various occasions ??


    1. Hi, according to his criminal associate, Sandra Hotchkiss, Richard had no proper idea about the value of jewellery. May I direct you to the article we have on that subject? You will find it in the “Informants” section.
      Rosario loved her brother very much, they were close, she was like a mother to him during his earliest years.


      1. ekaemmerling55 Avatar

        I know they were very close and that she tried to help him as much as she could . But I ve just read in this Blog that she was very much after the money for the book snd such. I was really so disappointed when I read that as I was always happy for him to have his sister Rosa. Yes I will See what you have written already ..I am Not at all sn expert in blogging. And this Richard Ramirez Subject is emotionally very demanding at least for me.


      2. Yes, money was a massive concern, she needed it to pay for his defence, there was no other way. It seems distasteful, but I believe her primary concern was raising cash, whatever road that took her down. Without funding there would be no defence, and she had trusted the judgement of Manni Barraza when he recommended the Hernandez duo of clowns to her. Justice is a game you only win if you can pay and the dice is pre-loaded in favour of the State.
        If you think about it, Rosa has kept her dignity throughout all these years, unlike other family members.


      3. I do think Rosa loved him very much, and might have been being manipulated by Manuel Barraza regarding all the film deal stuff. So yes it would have come across as greedy to observers.

        Liked by 1 person

  9. ekaemmerling55 Avatar

    And how comes that socalled or even real Experts like wellknown psychiatrists cassify Richard as a Psychopath? They even refer to the Hare scale…Some Fans make edits with sexy music , some buy his Letters and sell them ..some buy them and read them on U tube just to show us how stupid he was and that he was hopelessly Obsessed with Sex….Well they dont know anything about him I guess ..Mr Carillo a funny guy …He makes me laugh a lot …So intelligent and empathic this man its incredible. Why were there so much mystification about Richard …I mean there Was a big Metamorphosis concerning him….From scruffy drug addict to cool Superstar in Court….That was amazing to watch…I have to admit….But it was also awful to watch when he had to go back to his cell ! I thought about Andy Warhol…Fame ..From A to B and Back again….Must have been Horror to go back to cell. Often I think about the overcrowded L.A. county jail. How on earth did he Manage to stay there for 4 years and Not to go nuts ? Not to speak about adjustment Center in St. Quentin..Thats beyond me .Yesterday I read about the results of the various testing concerning his psychic and psychiatric and neurologic state….I think the people Insolved did a good Job…or at least I understood much more now..I mean the examinations for the Habeas Writ. The examinations and the results were much more precise than those from say 2000. The Public was made to believe that Richard was a real cool Mastermind of Meanness and Crime ..a Supercriminal in Versace…..A Mexican Dr. Mabuse ….Catched by Ole Carillo and Co. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

    1. The public have been led to believe many things that just aren’t true. How many times do you hear about his “high I.Q” “super intelligence” and other falsehoods? It’s all part of the myth. Richard DID scrub up well for court, free from drugs, and with regular meals, not to mention a nice suit or two; he certainly gave them what they wanted.
      The subject of overcrowding in LA County is something I keep meaning to write about, perhaps I’ll get it done eventually.
      The psychiatric reports were a tough read, and rather conveniently brushed under the carpet and remain there to this day. As for the mysteries, they were partly why we started this because nothing about that trial makes any sense.


    2. Oh and Richard was never diagnosed with psychopathy, whatever the “experts” say.


    3. Yes I keep reading “he was a ‘made’ psychopath rather than a born psychopath” from commentators who were not attached to the case. Not a single one of his doctors said he was psychopathic, nor did he display such behaviour to the people he knew, so it annoys me.
      Also I’ve seen “sexual sadism disorder” thrown about. Again, he’s never been diagnosed with it. I can understand if he was a proven rapist but he wasn’t. There was no semen…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Hallo again Right now I wonder how it is possible that all kind of experts can write what they want …I remember at least two named academics who seriously put him in the categorie of Psychopathic scale refering to the Hare Scale. …Bundy was given 40 Points from 40 and Richard was given 32 points. And they explained in a scientific way These were relisble results .One woman , also s Forensik psyhologist exsmined his drawings but I stopped reading.  I keep asking myself what sense it makes as something like that confuses people a lot. On the other hand we can read about the results of Hanburg Wechsler Intelligence test results . And we can read what Mrs Wells experienced and what she wrote. We csn read about his Overall behaviour there…about him performing well apart from masturbating in between the Tasks.Sometimes I thought I should stop reading about him at all as I found myself stricken in a sort of …Voyouerism ….As I said before …I got involved in Richard s Story when I saw him after his capture in the back of a police car hiding down …with his Bandaged head. And I was sort of shocked and curios at a time. It took a while to understand that this young guy Was to be a serial killer and that he 4 years later was convicted to 19 Times gas Chamber. This was 5 Months ago and its only now that I am beginning to understand how everything works together . For example that he changed his appereance in the courtroom ..He was truly charismatic sometimes …and this was necessary for his Image , no question. Stiil I Don t understsnd the rumours about his sadistic sexual Phantasies also described by Carlo in his book and anyway the description of the crimes were very heavy snd brutal.


    1. Because the experts are basing the findings on him committing all of the crimes attributed to him, I doubt they have minutely examined the case as laid out by his Habeas Lawyers. Carlo fictionalised the “killings” bit of the book, it’s his imaginings, bolstered up by input from Carrillo. He did not get that from Richard, who also told Carlo he never confessed to Carrillo about anything.
      Looking at the evidence, there’s a case for reasonable doubt over the whole proceedings.
      Richard had hypersexuality, which can happen to people with TLE and frontal lobe damage. His masterbation was a compulsion.


    2. These “experts” were never part of his case, so base their opinions on what they know about the crimes and his childhood. They add it together and produce conjecture and voilà: “psychopath.” These people don’t realise that the whole case has been a lie, that the victims didn’t accurately describe him, there was no “man in black” rampaging around the city. They don’t know blood was found at two crime scenes that wasn’t from Ramirez or the victims. So of course they assume he did it because he’s devoid of feelings with a craving for murder.

      This is the battle we have – to show everyone that half the case isn’t true.

      Liked by 1 person

  11. ekaemmerling55 Avatar

    Hi , after some time of rflecting my own writing I come to the conclusion that the only Source concerning Richard s mental state are the testings and exsaminations made for the Habeas Corpus Writ in 2008. Sorry for sharing my own confusion..

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi, no need to apologise, this case has been covered with misinformation and half-truths for nearly 40 years. You opinions and questions are welcome.


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