Native American Tattoo?

Here is Gil Carrillo, recalling how Anastasia Hronas – the little girl who was allegedly sexually abused by Richard Ramirez – remembered seeing an “Indian headdress tattoo” on the arm of her kidnapper.

George Lopez, Gil Carrillo, and the Night Stalker on Netflix’ from YouTube podcaster J R.

That is an amazing lead. But Richard Ramirez had no such tattoo. Carrillo insists Hronas actually saw a pentagram pen drawing, which obviously looks very different to a Native American headdress. By claiming all she saw was a star inside a circle relies on the idea that an intelligent child could not identify and describe a star.

As ever, there is something wrong with other details pertaining to this crime. 1985 newspapers warned the public about a suspect whose appearance does not match Richard Ramirez. They described a man ten to twenty years older and of short to medium height. From the Arcadia Tribune, 30th June 1985:

From the Los Angeles Times 30th June 1985:

From the Orange County Register, 8th September 1985:

In the Orange County Register, Anastasia described being taken to a “beat-up blue motel”. The Arcadia Tribune said it was a hotel or an apartment. On Night Stalker: the Hunt for a Serial Killer, Anastasia appeared, recalling a dirty house with a chainlink fence and large snarling dogs. It feels as if police were not listening to this child properly – surely a blue motel, like the tattoo, is a promising lead. What happened to Anastasia Hronas was terrible, but as for Ramirez’s guilt, the facts seem to be at variance with the claims of Detective Carrillo.

Furthermore, witnesses at the line-up, including children, were coached by a police officer to choose suspect number two: Richard Ramirez. Carrillo acts amazed that Anastasia chose Ramirez straight away. She was almost certainly among the group of children being coached.

From Richard Ramirez’s automatic direct appeal S012944

Apologies if the video is out of sync!


30th July 2023

6 responses to “Native American Tattoo?”

  1. And how very convenient that Carillo would decide that what she “really” saw was a pentagram, which just HAPPENS to fit Richard’s image. The more I read about this case, the more ridiculous the whole thing seems!


    1. Yes, it is a significant lead but it feels like he squashed down her memory. If she saw a star in a circle, she’d have said just that.

      He’s a fool for admitting this.


      1. I guess I can only hope that the more people hear him say things like this, the more likely that people will realize that something is wrong.
        On another note, I think I had a technical problem: On Saturday, I posted my first comment to this site (under the “One More Time” post) but nothing happened. The thing is that then I was using my desktop, which is an outdated version, and now I’m using my phone and it worked, so I wonder if the problem was my desktop. So should I just try again with the other post on my phone? Or is there another reason why it wouldn’t have worked?


      2. He will trip over that tongue one day, there are many errors to be found in those podcasts. As for for your tech problem, I am not sure why, we had no notification that anyone had posted a comment under that article. Perhaps you could try again?


      3. Mystery solved, your comment went into the spam folder. I’ll sort it out now.


      4. He makes a lot of incorrect comments and embellishments. One is that the Avia shoes were 440s. He brags about how accurately he can remember the model. But the legal documents and even the Carlo biography say they were 445Bs. 440s were women’s shoes.

        He has also recently claimed that they found all the guns from the crime scenes. That is untrue! They recovered one, and the man from whom they obtained it was sketchy, with holes in his story. It was lost during the trial and the two witnesses who claimed to have seen it couldn’t match their descriptions.

        He’s also recently claimed that Ramirez dumped all his weapons out of a car in June ’85, when stopped by police. If this is the case, where were these guns? This is a completely new addition to the original story.

        Liked by 2 people

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