The Mysteries Surrounding Bell and Lang

83-year-old Mabel Bell and her disabled sister Florence Lang, 79, were discovered comatose in their Monrovia bungalow on 1st June 1985. It is likely that their attack occurred in the early hours of 30th May, due to dated evidence at the scene: a TV guide had been turned to a page showing late night on 29th, to noon on 30th and Mabel Bell’s diary had been filled in for the 29th. The emergency room doctor, Michael Agron MD believed the injuries were two days old, when observing the sisters on 1st June. During the trial, Sergeant John Yarbrough testified that the sisters’ clock was stopped on 30th May at 05:29.

The sisters were discovered by Charles Valenzuela, their gardener. Two newspapers were left in their driveway, perhaps from 30th and 31st May (the Petition does not say). Mabel Bell was lying on the floor, comatose, with a table on top of her chest, her head severely beaten to the point that brain tissue protruded. She had lacerations and a blistered burn mark below her right breast, thought to be an electrocution injury. A pentagram had been drawn on her leg.

Florence Lang was unresponsive on her bed, and like her sister, in a coma. Her hands had been tied behind her back with electrical cord and her ankles were bound with electrical tape. A pentagram was drawn on the wall above her bed. She too had sustained head injuries and ligature marks. It appeared that she had been sexually assaulted with an object, possibly with a hammer that was used to beat them.

Physical Evidence

  • Rape kit taken.
  • A bloody hammer on the dressing table.
  • Electrical tape on the victims.
  • Severed wires used as ligatures.
  • Hair on the electrical tape and hammer.
  • A partially eaten banana.
  • A Mountain Dew can covered in hand prints.
  • Fabric marks and a partial shoe print on a clock.
  • Palm prints.
  • A pentagram on the wall and leg of Mabel Bell.

Was There Proof it was Richard Ramirez?

The rape kit yielded no results – it is unlikely that a rape took place – just a sexual assault. There were no fingerprints on the hammer that could tie it to Ramirez. There is no way of knowing who ate half a banana and the prints on the Mountain Dew can turned out to be glove prints, which were not admissible. No saliva tests were taken from the can. Other palm prints were not thought to have come from Ramirez.

The hair on the hammer and the electrical tape around Florence Lang’s legs did not appear to have been Ramirez’s, nor were the pubic hairs in the bed. Some head hairs were either blonde or light brown according to the forensic investigator, Melvin Kong.

From a March 1986 article in the Daily Breeze newspaper

The Assumption of Avias

Gerald Burke, the prosecution’s expert witness from the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department Crime Lab, initially said the partial print was different from the Avia prints at the Zazzara crime scene. Burke changed his mind two months later (in early July) and decided that it was made by an Avia.

The concentric circles on the clock

Ramirez’s defence attorneys made no effort to challenge the prosecution’s shoe evidence. In 2004, for the Federal Habeas Corpus, Ramirez’s appellate lawyers retained shoe forensics expert Lisa DiMeo.

“The concentric circle pattern on an electric clock was consistent with the unique circle pattern found on the sole of an Avia shoe. Burke was unavle to determine the model or size. In his early analysis, Burke found dissimilarities in the sole patterns of shoe impressions found at the Zazzara and Bell and Lang scenes but later changed his mind after obtaining flat outsoles from Avia.”

– Declaration of Lisa DiMeo, Document 7.19

In her second declaration, DiMeo said the concentric circles lacked sufficient detail to conclude they were made by a specific model of Avia.

“Based on the lack of sufficent detail, it was not possible to eliminate any Avia athletic shoe model, size or syle, or any manufactured sole that exhibited a similar concentric circle pattern as the source of the impression.”

– Supplementary Declaration of Lisa DiMeo, Document 7.20.

This is important, because the prosecution’s argument was that shoe prints at seven crime scenes were made by a black Aerobics model 445B, which was incredibly rare. To this day, lead detecives refer to them as “unique” as well as newly invented. In fact, there are many variations of this sole design and they had been in circulation since 1981. Morover, DiMeo revealed that:

“Mr Burke testified to finding 19 different manufacturer’s shoes that exhibit concentric circles in the ball of the foot area.”

– Supplementary Declaration of Lisa DiMeo, Document 7.20.

If the Avia sole design was not as rare as the prosecution claimed, and shared attributes with 19 different brands of sneaker, then the pool of potential culprits increases to tens of thousands. Furthermore, other lines of Avia shoes also share a concentric circle design, for example those featured in this post, about a break-in at a police officer’s house during the murder spree. DiMeo rules the Bell and Lang shoeprint inconclusive, and she emphasised that there was no scientific connection between Richard Ramirez and shoeprints at murder scenes.

Why Was Ramirez Suspected of the Bell and Lang Incident?

Ramirez had become a suspect early on, simply because he had a propensity to draw pentagrams. After being stopped by traffic police for running a stop sign on 15th June, Ramirez drew the symbol in dirt on a car, before escaping on foot. Thinking this suspicious – the car was stolen – the police officer impounded the vehicle and the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department asked the Los Angeles Police Department to hold it for prints, which melted away in the sun before the LASD could examine them. Ramirez left his dental appointment card inside, so the police were able to trace his alias Richard Mena to a dentist, who provided them with a description.

Although Ramirez’s appearance did not match witness or survivor descriptions (see posts on Okazaki, Yu and Doi), the police decided – based on the pentagram – that Richard ‘Mena’ was a person of interest. Just one victim (Khovananth, 20th July) would come close to describing ‘Richard Mena’ and the police felt this was enough, but that is another story.

Why Was Ramirez Convicted if the Evidence Was So Weak?

Simply put, his defence attorneys were inept and failed to argue against any of the evidence. Firstly, the alibi they had developed for Ramirez collapsed. They argued that Ramirez was in El Paso when the attacks took place, but he was proven to have attended the dentist on 30th May. This same alibi had been used for the Kyle Incident so had already failed – yet they brought it back hoping for a different result.

Secondly, when a stereo/cassette player belonging to Mabel Bell and Florence Lang was recovered from an associate of Ramirez, a ‘fence,’ Felipe Solano, the defence failed to develop a case for other burglars supplying stolen goods. The Netflix documentary claims the stereo was recovered from Jesse Perez, but the Petition and a press report from the preliminary hearing claim Solano had it. Law enforcement and the prosecution were all aware of Solano and Perez’s illegal activities – as well as other burglar associates, but only pressed ahead for Ramirez’s conviction.

So, we are left with the unproven – and inconclusive – Avia print, the circumstantial evidence that Ramirez liked to draw pentagrams, and testimony from criminals – one of whom was impeached (Solano). This means there was reasonable doubt as to Richard Ramirez’s guilt. Because the cases were not separated into different trials per their crime category, it had a cumulative effect on the jury – plus the prosecution argued in bad faith that there were patterns between the crime scenes, despite police arguing that Ramirez had no modus operandi.

Illogical Logistics

As mentioned, Ramirez was proven to have visited the dentist on 30th May 1985. Ramirez was allegedly seen by his father and a family friend on 29th May. If the witnesses were telling the truth, Ramirez must have spent the best part of the day and night completing this 800-mile journey from El Paso to Los Angeles – by coach. Even if he did arrive in the early hours of 30th May, putting himself in the frame for both the Kyle and the Bell/Lang attacks, it would be difficult.

The ‘Night Stalker’ would have needed to travel approximately 13 miles north from the bus station on 6th Street to Burbank (Kyle’s attack began at around 4am). The rapist stayed at the Kyle residence for about 1.5 hours. Then he would have had to travel another 22 miles east to Bell and Lang’s house up in the winding mountain foothills (a journey that takes 21-25 mins in the early hours). The Night Stalker would have to know where he was going but – as covered in the Kyle post – the suspect seemed to be lost or confused about where he was, and she had to direct him to the freeway. Moreover, Bell and Lang’s clock stopped when the cable was cut at 05:29 – these attacks happened almost simultaneously, 22 miles apart. They cannot both have been committed by the same man, unless they are going to claim that Satan helped Ramirez to simultaneously appear in two locations. Tragically, the defence did not seem to notice.

Mikity Mystery

Something confusing was happening at the property on the day before the attack: a Monrovia fire inspector, Steven Mikity, went to the house on the morning of 29th May, to tell the residents to remove brush from their property. Nobody answered. The garage and kitchen door were closed. Mikity drove past the property at 5pm and noticed that the kitchen door and garage were now open. Looking into the garage, he saw an old, faded car with what looked like a TV in the trunk. This was unusual, as he went past the house every day and had never seen the garage open. However, he drove on, without knocking at the house.

The Petition states that Mikity returned two days later, making it 31st May. He claimed that paramedics were in attendance. He is likely mistaken – the sisters were discovered on 1st June. Mikity testified that the day after he saw the paramedics, he returned with police, who showed him the faded car in the garage. Now the trunk was closed. So, who was in the house removing a TV the day before the sisters were violently attacked?


Originally published on 29th January 2023. Updated on 30th May 2024.

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