The Kyle Incident: Truth Decay

*This post contains details of rape and sexual assault, which some may find upsetting*

The teeth don’t lie – or do they?

Carol Kyle was raped, sexually assaulted, and robbed at gunpoint, by a man she described as a male Mexican, mid to late 20s between 5ft10 and 6ft, having medium length, black wavy hair, around 175 pounds, with a slight Spanish accent.  That initial description certainly fits with Richard Ramirez, doesn’t it? Until she gets to the teeth. 

They were straight and white. 

If there is one thing, apart from the Night Stalker crimes, that Richard is known for, it is his teeth. They were not straight or white, a point law enforcement were at great lengths to emphasise and make known.  Even going so far as inspecting them, like a horse, and getting casts made after his arrest. It is interesting to note that the Netflix documentary skirts over what happened to Ms Kyle, possibly after making such a big thing about his teeth, it would draw attention to this rather large discrepancy.

Richard’s teeth, examined just after his arrest. They were not restored until January 1986

Photograph snipe dated October 4th,1989 reads, “Richard Ramirez during the reading of his sentencing which was death on all counts.” The image ran in the newspaper on October 5th, 1989. Photo credit: Herald Examiner Collection, by Akili-Casundria Ramsess

From the 21st to 30th May Richard Ramirez was a very busy man, with dental appointments, travel to El Paso and back, after attending the first communion of his niece, and the brutal attack of two elderly sisters.

The horrific crime inflicted on Mabel Bell and Florence Lang is believed to have been carried out either late on 29th May or in the early hours of 30th, after which, he decided to travel 21 miles west to Carol Kyle’s house.

From Monrovia to Burbank, possible route taken.

What happened?

On the 30th May 1985, at approx. 4am, Carol Kyle was woken in her Burbank home by a torch being shone in her face, and a small, dark, steel handgun pointed at her head.  A man said “Get up.  Don’t make any noise!”

The man told Kyle to move to the living room. She indicated that her son was in the house. They went to her son’s bedroom; the man turned on the light, waking up her son. He told both not to look at him, as he left the room and started ransacking the hall cupboard. Kyle was then handcuffed with her son, as the attacker shoved them both into the now emptied cupboard.  The man demanded money, jewellery, and a VCR. (Writ of habeas corpus)

When he appeared again, he was holding a different gun that was shiny. This is the first deviation from the original crime report, where there is no mention of a second gun.

He told them to move into her son’s room, where he made them sit on the floor. He then covered them both with a sheet, telling them not to look at him, else he would “gouge their eyes out”.  The man removed the handcuffs from Ms Kyle, and after putting her son back into the cupboard, took her to her bedroom.  (There are slight discrepancies between the court documents and the police crime report as to when the handcuffs were first used)

Crime report of Ms Kyle – doc 20-3 (image is best viewed on a desktop)

The Assault of Carol Kyle

*this section details the rape and assault, which some may find upsetting*

The man tied Ms Kyle’s hands behind her back with pantyhose. He pushed her onto the bed, covered her head with a pillow, and screamed at her. He pounded on her back with his fist. Twice, he left the room and came back.

When the man returned for the second time, he removed the pillow and told her to lie down on her back on the bed. Her hands were still tied behind her back. The man ripped open the front of Kyle’s nightgown and removed her underpants. Kyle told the man she was having her period and had an infection. The man threatened to kill her. He took off his jacket, unzipped his pants, and started kissing her. (156 RT 17955-56.) The man got on top of her. He put his penis in her vagina. After a few minutes, he turned her over and put his penis in her anus; he ejaculated in her anus. (From the Writ of Habeas Corpus, outlining the prosecution’s case)

During this whole ordeal, Ms Kyle stated that her attacker did not put down the gun, the dark steel one, not the shiny one. It is unclear which gun she actually saw. No weapons used in any Night Stalker crimes were ever discovered in Richard’s possession.

After this, Ms Kyle spoke to her attacker for about fifteen to twenty minutes, in a very calm way, to her credit, as she must have been terrified and in pain.

The writ goes on to say:

“The man brought Kyle a robe because she was cold. (156 RT 17959-60.) He untied the pantyhose on her left wrist and later removed it altogether. He tried to tie her ankles with a telephone cord. The man said to her, “I don’t know why I’m letting you live. I’ve killed people before.” He told Kyle to tell police he wore a mask. (Id. at 17961-63.) He then brought Kyle’s son to her bedroom and handcuffed them to the bed. The man left handcuff keys on the mantle and told Kyle to make sure her daughter found them. In Kyle’s opinion, the man seemed confused, asking the name of the town and directions to the freeway. When the man left, Kyle thought his car sounded like a big, older car. Kyle’s son called 911; the police arrived within a few minutes after the call. (Id. at 17964-65.)”

Again, there are slight difference between the two documents, which probably occurs after subsequent interviews.

She directed him to scissors! From the crime report taken by Burbank police. doc-20-3 (image best viewed on a desktop)

Physical evidence at the scene

To be blunt, there wasn’t much.

Burbank Police Officer Ronald Cervenka was called to Kyle’s home about 6:25 a.m. on May 30th, 1985. He found the front door locked, but the back door by the kitchen was ajar. There was no sign of forced entry, and it appeared that entry was gained through the kitchen door, by reaching upwards through the dog door.  (156 RT 18014-15.) The house was ransacked. Ms Kyle and her son were still handcuffed. Officer Cervenka removed the cuffs with the key on the mantle and noted the handcuffs were larger than those used by police. He later took her to St. Joseph Medical Centre, where she was checked and a rape kit used.

We never hear about the results of the rape kit test, whereby, it must be assumed, that there was no match to Richard, otherwise they would have used it in court, and they did not.  There is no mention of the result. 

Evidence technician Robert Cestaro collected handcuffs, keys, and women’s clothing from the bedroom in Ms Kyle’s home. Cestaro also dusted for latent fingerprints. None were found.

Eyewitness identification

This is Carol Kyle’s eyewitness testimony, taken from the writ of habeas corpus.

What she doesn’t mention is her attacker being covered in blood. Why would this matter? Because Ramirez was also accused (and later convicted) of the brutal attack on Mabel Bell and Florence Lang, before his arrival at her home, that same morning. The attack was bloody, he would have to have been spattered, his clothes, hair. Yet there is no mention of this, no transfer of blood from one crime scene to another. No serological evidence that Richard was at either location.

This is what she said:

Richard’s dental work was still in progress at the time of his arrest.

One more double incident, a considerable distance apart, with twenty one miles between Carol Kyle’s house and the home of Mabel Bell and Florence Lang, fifteen miles between the Kneidings and the Khovananths, and no cross-contamination in either instance. The man who was having trouble taking care of his teeth, and who seemed to be mostly living in cars, was able to forensically scrub himself down and switch weapons, leaving not a trace of himself anywhere. No hair, no blood, no semen, no fingerprints.

The forensic dentist saw something very different when he examined Richard’s teeth.

The top photo shows Richard’s teeth when he was arrested and had his teeth examined. That took place in September 1985. The bottom picture is post sentencing in 1989, after restoration work finished.

Carol Kyle said she was sure his teeth were clean, straight and white because he spent time chatting, laughing, and smiling with her, after the attack.  If the man who attacked her had such good teeth, then that man could not have been Richard Ramirez. She assisted police artist, Fernando Ponce, with the preparation of a composite that was released on June 25th, showing the Latino male, with his side-parted hair, but not his white smile.  Nearly one month had passed since her attack.

Carol Kyle’s first composite, released 25th June

Deputy Sheriff Coleman met with Carol Kyle on August 30th, 1985, at her residence. She assisted him with yet another composite, the reason remains unclear, because on this date, they finally had Richard’s mugshot and knew who they were looking for.  Deputy Sheriff Coleman insisted he had not seen the photograph of the suspect before the composite was executed. The two sketches look like two different people, and neither look anything like Richard Ramirez.

Released 30th August, 1985. “Clean, straight teeth and excessive gums”

Below is a section clipped from the above composite, listed are California penal codes: 261 is rape, 459 is burglary and187 is murder. Thankfully Ms Kyle did not suffer murder, however, this composite details that penal code. It is already decided that the man who attacked Carol, without evidence, or arrest, (that would happen the following morning) is the same man wanted for multiple homicides in other incidents.

August 30th composite.

The day after she helped create the latest composite, Richard Ramirez was arrested.  Ms Kyle saw him on TV numerous times and in the papers, however, she did not call the police to say this was the man who attacked her at gun point.  She said nothing until the police contacted her to attend the tainted live line-up on 5th September 1985, where she identified him “by the inflection in his voice”, so not his teeth, then? Surely, as he spoke, they would have been visible? Perhaps she was influenced by the two fingers being held up to the assembled audience by the police officers who were in attendance that day.  Richard was in place number two.  She identified him again at the preliminary hearing, after months of media exposure.

Witness card, doc 20-3
This was so bad, it’s being included again.

Identification of property

Kyle identified jewellery taken from her home at the police property
line-up on September 5th, 1985. She identified a bracelet, silver chain, earrings, necklaces, and a ring.

Writ of habeas corpus

Richard’s Family in Texas

Sergeant Perry testified that, on September 3rd, 1985, he obtained two warrants through the El Paso courts to search the houses of Richard’s sister and parents. Before the warrants were executed, his parents, his sister Rosario, and brother Julian Jr., voluntarily met with Sergeant Perry at El Paso Police Department. They consented to having their homes searched. While at the police station, Rosario turned over earrings and a bracelet. During a search of her home, she turned over a wooden box containing costume jewellery that had been given to her by her brother, Richard.

Defence failure – here we go again!

What did they get right?  This:

“If the person who committed these crimes . . . had straight white teeth, the person was not Petitioner.”  

They also questioned Ms Kyle’s failure to contact the police after seeing the suspect on TV numerous times, after his capture. Why, if she was so certain that he was the one who attacked her, did she wait?

LA Times, April, 1986

THIS post examines the tainted line up procedure and, in particular how voice recognition, is NOT a reliable form of identification,  especially when coupled with weapon focus and extreme stress factors.  Had the defence had retained an expert witness, such as Dr Kathy Pezdek, the jury would have seen how unreliable the identification was.

Officers had indicated to her that the Night Stalker would be in the line-up!
(Declaration of Dr Kathy Pezdek, doc 16-7)

Talk about police influencing and leading a witness.

The defence presented no evidence on Richard’s behalf except for the failed alibi, discussed in the Bell/Lang incident. This discredited alibi could have been explained that Julian Sr had mistaken his dates, due to media pressure, stress, and the passage of time.

Not only did they fail to do this, they actually presented the alibi again as defence, when uncontroverted evidence from a Los Angeles dental office established that he was in Los Angeles on May 30th, 1985. This moment would have been better served had they mentioned his teeth! But no, that would be asking too much of this completely useless defence team.

Philip Carlo in the book The Night Stalker: The Life and Crimes of Richard Ramirez, stated that Sergeant John Yarbrough from the Night Stalker Task Force, testified that the clock at the crime scene of sisters Florence Lang and Mabel Bell had been ripped from it’s electrical socket at 5.29am, indicating that the attack was in progress at that time. Hold on here, did nobody notice the time discrepancy? Carol Kyle said she was woken at 4am, and that her son called the police around 6.20am. So how could Ramirez be in two places at once? How did Richard’s defence team let this slide?

 We know Richard was present in El Paso for his niece’s communion party (photographic evidence exists), the chart below shows his possible movements during the dates in question.

Time for travel back from El Paso, to commit heinous crimes and still get to the dentist? Speed balls can do that, allegedly. We can add in Launie Dempster as well, as she claimed to have seen him in the Monterey Park area, around the 28th. So many places, all at once.

In an effort to challenge identification of jewellery found at Rosario’s home, defence counsel argued, but failed to present evidence in support of the contention, that the recovered jewellery was not unique and lacked distinctive characteristics.  They failed to investigate the numerous other individuals who were involved with burglaries with Ramirez, and failed to investigate the trail of stolen property changing hands, in and around the bus depot and at Felipe Solano’s, who was impeached for perjury.

The prosecution urged conviction because of the similarities to the Dickman incident.  Below is a summary of the findings of expert witness and criminologist, Steve Strong. There are similarities, those being that there is no hard evidence that he was at either crime scene.

Dickman Incident

  • No fingerprints belonging to Richard
  • Inconsistent eyewitness testimony (she changed it)
  • Trail of stolen property not questioned
  • No serology
  • Failed to recognise him on TV as the man who attacked her, even after seeing him numerous times

Kyle Incident

  • No fingerprints belonging to Richard
  • Unreliable eyewitness testimony
  • Trail of stolen property not questioned
  • No serology
  • Saw him on TV but did not call the police. 

In conclusion

Richard Ramirez was found guilty of the rape and burglary, even though no physical evidence that he was the perpetrator was found.  He was convicted because of the “spill-over” from both the Dickman and Bell/Lang incidents, the jewellery, and an unreliable witness testimony; he had at various times been described by other eyewitnesses as blonde, Asian, short, and Caucasian.

And a handcuff key.  The handcuff key the man who attacked Ms Kyle left on her mantlepiece.

Writ of habeas corpus. What should be made clear is that no handcuffs are mentioned in relation to the Bell and Lang incident. The elderly sisters were restrained by electrical cord and tape (Florence Lang) and by a table placed on her chest (Mabel Bell)

The “straight, white teeth”, so clearly seen by Carol Kyle, and clearly not in the mouth of Richard Ramirez, were never taken into account.

I really think this needs no explanation, but for the (dental) record, the words on the image say: “records show that the man believed to be the Night Stalker is missing 12 of the 32 teeth, including several molars. His front teeth are discoloured and broken..” Need I go on?

A competent defence, as a last resort, could have fallen back on his mental health, in mitigation, at penalty phase.  However, as we have shown, Richard was denied effective assistance of counsel, in violation of his constitutional rights, and was failed in every way, by a defence team whose duty it was to develop a strategy, challenge, and cross examine the prosecution’s case.

The job of the prosecutors was to prove guilt, beyond a reasonable doubt. They did not.

~ Jay ~

28 responses to “The Kyle Incident: Truth Decay”

  1. Unless Richard was able to change his appearance at will, there’s no way he raped Carol Kyle. If he killed Bell & Lang and then went to Kyle’s, he would have
    had blood on his clothes and shoes. Carol would have noticed, after all she noticed the straight, white teeth. Apparently all the “hoopla” about the broken, discolored teeth just didn’t seem to apply to this case. The more you dig into this case, the more ridiculous and absurd it gets. All these details that supposedly intelligent people just seemingly overlooked.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. He seems to have shape-shifted at will, going from a blond-haired, 5ft 9, 220lb man, to a 5ft 7 Asian, to a 5ft 8 – 6ft1 Latino, with Hollywood veneers, or not. There’s no physical evidence, so they believe varying descriptions without question? It’s a shame that the alternate jurors/jurors, who noted these obvious discrepancies, didn’t kick up a fuss at the time.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Yes. It’s so ridiculous. The discrepancies in his appearance should have been a red flag to the jurors. The only thing I can come up with as to why they just seemed to overlook all of the discrepancies and lack of evidence is because they were biased and already thought he was guilty. As we know, his jury was a jury of volunteers. They were on the jury because they wanted to be. It’s sickening and sad.


      2. As you know, some of the jurors and alternates DID notice the discrepancies, but sadly, still gave the guilty vote, having not received any defence evidence to consider. How many of them stated that in their declarations afterwards? Too many! They were even saying “I’d never hire them to defend me” and “It was obvious the defence didn’t know what they were doing”. As for this particular incident, lack of serology and those damn white teeth should have been enough. Had the motion to sever been granted, it would have looked completely different.


      3. Yes, some of the juror statements were so contradictory. It makes no sense that they voted guilty and then for a death sentence considering that some of them spoke of how terrible the defense was and how they didn’t think the trial was fair. How can you vote guilty if you think the trial wasn’t fair? I really don’t get that!


      4. I find it quite mind blowing, actually, and very disturbing. It’s all down to money, which gets you a decent lawyer! Knowing that something was very wrong, and yet still voting guilt/death? And it still happens, evidence falsified, people sent to be executed because wrongful convictions. They usually have one major thing in common; they are poor.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. donnaluvsrichie Avatar

    I don’t see where any of the rape kit results from any of the victims were used so that tells me that they knew all along they had the wrong man and still pressed on for the convictions.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. Negative results and results not given, so you can bet your life, IF they had been conclusive, we would not even be having this conversation. This case is one where pubic hair and serology results do not seem to match the man who was convicted. Which ever way it is spun, that should have been enough to argue “reasonable doubt”, you would think. Not in this case.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. About the handcuffs and handcuff key. Back in the 80s I had novelty sets just like the police have. They were very common, everyone I knew had them. They were like an accessory to most Rockers.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. The handcuffs themselves, don’t prove anything, if the evidence he was at either location (Bell/Lang and Kyle) isn’t there and they can’t even prove he ever had those particular cuffs. They relied on an unreliable eyewitness and “spill over” from the other crimes, to catch a conviction. I am working on a post about the joinder of the incidents and the “spill over” effect, at the moment. The whole Occult/Satanism = rock music, is just so 80s, isn’t it? I remember the handcuffs, too.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Can you add a link to the Writ of Habeus Corpus so people can read it themselves? I can’t find it on the internet.


    1. Writ of Habeas Corpus
      Here you are, you need to go to document 14 for the main body of the writ. There you will find the prosecution case, keep reading past the first 100 pages. There are nearly 1000 pages, including the other attachments, which you can access. The other attached documents are important, there are many of them, you will see how we have referred to them in our posts. Sadly, some others are sealed and they won’t release them. We’ve tried..

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Dear Jay, I just want to thank you and all other teammates (I read mainly your articles) for the wonderful job you’re doing. Clever and brave to mension things everybody seemed to be blind to see.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hello Lusine, thank for your comment, we greatly appreciate you taking the time to reach out to us. We are more than happy to try and answer any questions you might have or to direct you to articles we’ve written if we’ve answered them there. Thank you for reading. ~ Jay ~

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Discovering your blog was a treasure for me, a fresh air. The only problem for me is – I can not communicate with you the way I want because of my English being not the greatest of all time…I have a little language barrier, which almost does not bother me while reading, but bothers while writing.
        Since when I’ve got into Ramirez’s case, it was very strange for me, like no MO, no pattern, no victim type, no prefered weapon etc. How could this be? From the very begining it seemed to me like different persons’ crimes. Unfortunately, everyone I would ask and mention about this strangeness, would just say that I’m trying to whitewash R. Ramirez, because I’m attracted to him. I don’t know why everyone should focus their attention only on this «gruppie» thing, when there are so many things worth mentioning and to think about; for example this many trial gaps. Your blog is unique; I’m happy to see competent persons doing investigations, that help me overcome my doubts and take one step more to see the truth, as much as it’s possible. I’m recomending and sharing this page to everyone and everybody, who is interested in Ramirez. Hope they can do more, then just watching sexualized shorts about him.
        Thank you again!

        Liked by 1 person

      2. We ignore all talk of whitewashing because of how he looked, it is a lazy argument; Richard Ramirez could not help his face. Whatever he looked liked, the trial was still a travesty. Lots seem to get off on the idea of his guilt and that is their problem. I don’t know how much you’ve read on here, but to understand why he was convicted on such flimsy evidence, I recommend you read the three posts about his defence team. There you can see what happens to defendants who are too poor to hire decent attorneys, and how Richard was left without a competent defence for four years. This is the shocking reality of this case. That the biggest trial of the 80’s was blighted from the beginning, and how he never stood a chance. Had he been a rich man it’s doubtful this would ever had got to trial. That’s what money buys you; your freedom and your life. I still have not finished with those pathetic lawyers, there is more information about them coming up. Everything you see here is backed up by legal documents and original crime reports, and we won’t do it any other way.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’ve read a few articles about his attorneys lame work. I also have read a document “Ramirez V people” or smt (O don’t remember the title exactly). From how much I could understand, Ramirez declined hiring another attorney. I may be mistaking. Anyway, it’s obvious that he had some mental, lob problem and qas not able to competently assistant attorneys or defend himself. He mean it, when he said in an interview that he didn’t care much about himself. He was clearly an “easy victim”. Correct me, if I got something wrong.

        Also, what annoys me so much is everybody’s attention focusing so much on idolatresses. Every Time you open your mouth to say something about investigation, there just like “You’re a gruppie!”. Come on guys! We got, that there were groupies, what’s next? It seems to me that media focused attention on that thing on purpose, kind of brainwashing.i remember watching am interview with Nikolas Schrek, who was Ramirez’s ehhh…friend…in which he says: women are romanticising and idolising him, whitewashing him, some idiots even try to convince that he was framed, when he did all the crimes and even more. It’s the only answer they slap to your face, like you don’t have a brain, just ovaries. I think that it’s more like whitewashing their own actions by diverting everybody’s attention, who can find these logical “gaps” in the trial.


      4. Ramirez was a bit of a nightmare with his attorneys, and was manipulated into ditching his free public defenders in favour of the Hernandezes, but he also cast aside another private attorney. All three had wanted him to have a psychological evaluation, but were prevented from doing so.

        The Hernandezes were keen to hold onto the case as they wanted a cut of the money from potential film and book deals, and so kept his mental health a secret. Partly because the psychological evaluations would have revealed his bad childhood, which means the family are dragged through the courts to explain (no family support = no money), and partly because a mentally ill killer diminishes the marketability. It would ruin the ‘bad boy psycho’ narrative if he was revealed to be a very unwell and brain damaged person. It would then highlight the miscarriage of justice.

        Yes, people can be patronising to women. We’ve even had people assume this blog is written by a boy, because they can’t fathom that females can write intelligently and analyse a court case. The groupie accusation doesn’t really work when you’re questioning the case, because the whole ‘Ramirez Groupie’ thing hinges on being aroused by criminality.

        Liked by 2 people

      5. I can only tell that’s very sad, cause it shows how carrupt the system is in every country. like, in my country people think that only our cops are acting lame and aggressive, and USA is the country of pure justice. But some examples, like this, show a much darker side. Also I can’t find any other blog or articles like your on the internet.i don’t know why? Is ot my poor searching skills?


      6. Ha ha! Neither can we. I don’t think this case have even been broken down so thoroughly before using original documents. Most prefer the accepted story, without realising that Ramirez was denied a fair trial, and the right to effective counsel. We are just showing what happened to him. In the comments here I put a link to the 2008 Writ.


      7. A boy in his mother’s basement, if I recall? All three of us.


  6. It would sound funny, if wasn’t so sad. Arresting people on that kind of evidences??
    Amd, DNA didn’t match in any cases, but it didn’t matter, it was Ramirez; maybe DNA is not that important. BUT 100 years later they somehow found his DNA near the murder place, and it was him, no doubt – DNA is 100% right answer!
    That’s just wrong

    Liked by 1 person

    1. DNA was in it’s infancy in 85, but the first case brought to trial using it was 86 in the UK. Ramirez went to trial in 89, and so you would think they could have used it, no? The PGM markers they used instead, tended to exclude him. A semen sample at the Abowath crime scene and the unidentified blood found at both the Bennett and Cannon crime scenes did not match him or the victims. More info on DNA can be found in the article Venning and I wrote about Mei Leung.


      1. I will read the article about Mei Leung soon. I don’t believe that case being competent either, cause 1.Too many years have passed for DNA piece to be reliable and 2. Again no Modus operandi, never killed children, again seems like some others criminals job.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. At the end of that (very long) article I leave a title of a book about the uses of DNA within the criminal justice system. You may find it interesting.


      3. Thank you once again. And keep up this good job!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I will read it, when I’ll have time; thank you.
    I just can’t believe people can accept this story, cause there are so many questionable dots there, some things are really absurd: for example that AC/DC cap. So, If I listen to Rammstein, somewhere someone murders people in a Rammstein T-shirt, there are going after me?? That’s just ridiculous. I’ve noticed many questionable moments, even though I’m a philologist, I can’t believe people, who can have education in closer field, can not see and write about this on the internet.


    1. Yeah, the AC/DC cap is circumstantial at best. Weirdly, a month after Ramirez was caught, another murder took place in Orange County. The killer wore an AC/DC cap… they were on tour that autumn and their merchandise must have been everywhere.

      Liked by 1 person

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